Why Do I Still Breakout"

As much as I hate to admit it, even with my plethora of products and access to doctors and treatments, I still struggle with breakouts — big time. I know I’m not alone, and there are definitely bigger issues in life than zits, but that doesn’t mean it’s not annoying.
Bottom line: the struggle is real, and if you’re someone who still breaks out, like me, then read on for the tips I’ve learned to help keep my skin semi-happy with significantly less breakouts.
Diet – If you’re doing everything right in terms of skin cleansing and correct product usage, then your problem is likely diet or hormones (or both). Learn what foods trigger breakouts by taking away known provokers, like sugar and dairy. For me, personally, sugar is my biggest culprit — and I have a sugar addiction (will save that for another post). When I eat processed sugar like candy and cookies and cake (oh my!), I’m guaranteed at least one zit by morning. So, is the sugar worth it" No, but I still eat it. Sigh. Hormones – Without fail, a week before my period, I always end up with a large pimple in some really obvious place on my face. For some reason, at the end of summer, my hormones really went into freak-out mode and I ended up with adult acne all over my jawline. It takes weeks — sometimes even a month — to go away. I don’t have a cut-and-dry solution to hormonal issues, but I do know, for me, visiting my doctor and gettin...
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