Vlog: Rain, Rain and Chickenpox

I like to throw out a little video of myself now and then, otherwise you’re all left to construct a mental image of me from the mad things that I write about like gussets and too-small boilersuits and the restraining order that Tom Hardy took out against me.
I’m not sure I give the most flattering impression of myself, really, here on the blog and so the occasional video is necessary to show you that I’m completely and utterly normal. Honestly. I definitely don’t wear my coat inside the house in the middle of June and eat a solitary dinner in front of the iPad in the kitchen (I could have been a monk) and I absolutely, one hundred percent, don’t go on crazy internet shopping rampages.
Re the shopping rampages; they’ve been getting a bit out of hand recently. It’s not as though I spend a lot, as most of it gets sent back, it’s more that my house is a constant sorting office of parcels, some arriving and some being taped up to go back again. I use internet shopping for convenience, so that I can trawl vintage furniture sites until 1am and buy eight dresses in three different sizes, but actually it’s this convenience – the ease with which I can fill my trolley – that’s the problem. With all the returns and dithering about it would probably be more time efficient to go real life shopping. In fact, anything would probably be more time efficient than my current system. It would be more time efficient if I ...
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31-10-2024 06:42 - (
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30-10-2024 06:48 - (
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