Tried and True Tanning Products (no blotches or streaks!)

I haven’t always been into self tanners, but in the past few years I’ve been wanting to take the edge off the white winter glow before summer begins!
I discovered this tanning product last year and absolutely loved it. I also tried an “in-shower” tanning product that ended horribly, so this easy-to-use product that leaves zero streaks or blotches is a win!
I’ve probably purchased at least 3 more of the Gradual Tan Classic Everyday Body Lotion since I first started using it, but I really only use it in the warm months. I love that product so much that I wanted to try another from the brand, so I bought the Self Tan Express a few weeks ago.
I wanted to be sure to try it while it was still cold enough to wear pants and long sleeves in case it went horribly wrong, but I’m happy to report that it worked perfectly! With this product, you apply it to your skin and let it sit for 1-3 hours, depending on how dark you want the tan. After the time is up, you rinse off the product in the shower, and the tan will develop over a short time. I used the mitt to apply it and after about 5 minutes of letting it dry, I put on a lightweight robe to spend my hour in while I let the product work. After 1 hour, I hopped in the shower to rinse it off. I could tell there was a slight glow already, but I really saw the best color the next day. It wasn’t orange and just gave me a nice, healthy glow. The mitt is critical in making sure the product goes on ev...
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