The Night Feed Is Here: Come On In!

After what feels like a two year-long labour birthing an oversized porcupine, my app has finally launched. It has been a something of a trying time and I fear I may have turned into what’s known as a shouty person, but The Night Feed is here at last and I’m so proud of it.
A sanctuary for the sleep-deprived, The Night Feed is meant to be a comforting place to go when you’re feeding a baby in the small (lonely) hours. Articles to keep you amused, discussions to keep you connected, there’s just enough to keep you awake when you need to be without exciting you so much that you can’t drop back to sleep.
And although lots of the content is baby-related, it’s not to say that you won’t enjoy popping in there for a virtual cup of tea if you don’t have a tiny alien-like being clamped to your person. If you enjoy my more random posts on here then you’ll certainly enjoy them on the app – I have dozens of film and book reviews lined up and none of them are remotely sensible – and there’s going to be beauty, fashion and lifestyle content from special guest contributors.
On a more practical note, if you do have the aforementioned tiny alien-like being clamped to you, you will undoubtedly find the app tools quite useful; there’s a feed timer that records useful things such as how long your baby fed for, which boob they fed from or how much formula they took and there are sleep sounds to lull you (and the bab...
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