The Best Things About Having A Dog
A few weeks ago, I posted about the things I've learnt since having a dog, with some realities vs expectations. However today, I thought I'd post about the best things about having a dog. Although having a pet is hard work and a huge responsibility, it's incredibly rewarding. Recently I've been really appreciating Frank and how I don't know where I'd be without him. So when I was thinking about how rewarding being a dog owner is, I thought I?d write a post on it, and hopefully one of you will be as crazy dog lady as me!
1. They're Always Happy To See You: It doesn't matter if you've been away for 5 minutes to pop to the shops to get some milk, or been on a 3 week holiday, as your dog will always be happy to see you. Frank bounds down the stairs, and can't control himself, it never fails to make me smile. He sometimes even does it when I've been upstairs for a couple of minutes, it's like he's always happy to be back in the same room as me. It melts my heart and you'd never ever get that same response from a human!
2. They Don't Care What You Look Like:
It doesn't matter if you're in your slouchiest clothes or have had a bit of a disaster with the fake tan. Your dog will always be there to love you no matter what. They don't care what you look like and they're so incredibly loyal. I often think that I could learn a thing or two from dogs, as they really do unconditionally love you. Okay sorry that's really soppy I'll stop now.
3. They Will Always Think T...
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