Sunday Tittle Tattle: The Mega Hole

I’ve had lots of questions (and complaints) about where the Sunday Tittle Tattle has disappeared to. It hasn’t disappeared, it’s just that the Sunday part of it seemed to be a bit irrelevant, seeing as though I can talk about nonsensical random stuff on any day of the week. I suppose that I couldn’t see why I needed to put Sunday Tittle Tattle at the beginning of a title for it to be a post that was a ridiculous waste of people’s time (rambles about sink design, fly-killing and so on) and I also couldn’t see why I needed to post my ridiculous nonsense only on a Sunday.
But it seems that many of you like to read utter drivel on a Sunday especially, so here we are: back to the Sunday Tittle Tattle. It didn’t start off as being the place to post inane monologues, you know; when the STT was first conceived it was a space for snippets of beauty news, bits of life happenings that didn’t warrant a full page. It was, actually, a lazy way of collating information from during the week that I couldn’t be arsed to take a photo of. I used to post on here every single day (when I had the luxury – or non-luxury – of working seventy hour weeks) and by the time I reached the weekend I had no spirit left in me to do still life pictures or snaps of my own face. (Here’s one of the very first editions.) But now the Sunday Tittle Tattle seems to be the place I come to to discuss matters that have absolutely no real im...
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