Sunday Tittle Tattle: The Forgotten Vlog

I’ve spent so long dithering about the things I want to change in my videos that I completely forgot to post up one that I’d already made! Thank you, by the way, for all of your wonderful comments on the video-making post – I’m reading through them now and they’re so useful.
So far I’ve learnt that most of you really like cats, babies and family life as well as beauty, cooking and travel and that a lot of you couldn’t give two hoots about what goes on in the background of my videos so long as the content is interesting. Which is comforting to know.
I’ll go through the comments with a much beadier eye later, once I’ve watched tonight’s episode of The Handmaid’s Tale, but for now, let’s have a rummage through my handbag. Which is – according to Google – a Tom Ford Sedgwick. I’m not in the habit of knowing the names of bags (I honestly couldn’t care less, and the names are usually ridiculous anyway) but I looked it up because a few people have asked me. I don’t think you can get it in the shops now, it was a birthday-and-Christmas present from Mr AMR a couple of years ago, though I have seen it online here*.
The post Sunday Tittle Tattle: The Forgotten Vlog appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Sunday Tittle Tattle: The Forgotten Vlog was first posted on July 9, 2017 at 7:33 am.
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