Stream of Consciousness life update

First of all, just want to start off by apologizing for missing a few days of posts here! When Justin and I planned our trip up to Wisconsin, we talked about planning for me to have a couple work days while we were there so I wouldn’t fall behind.
He ended up coming back to Raleigh for a work thing for a few days, and we both found ourselves busier than we anticipated! We were much more focused on relaxation, time with family, and helping out before the wedding, which was absolutely wonderful, but that meant I fell behind here!
Thanks for your patience while I get back on track!
Regular content will resume tomorrow, but in the meantime I thought I would just type up a quick blog post like the good old days. I used to write posts in the morning and then hit publish. Nowadays with the lack of free time, I prefer staying days or sometimes weeks ahead of schedule! That allows me to really get a good picture of what content is going out and where I can fill in the holes. I’ve always struggled with the balance of sharing personal stuff along with information/tutorials, and the longer I do this the harder it is!
So I’m pushing myself a bit today to just write like I’m writing to a friend!
I miss being here! I wasn’t posting on Instagram nearly as much as usual, and was “checked out” from blog posts for a bit during the wedding time. While it felt very strange to not be checking my phone, it felt really great too. I didn’t even have...
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30-10-2024 06:48 - (
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