Life Update: Magnums, Metaphysics and Possible Death by HIIT

It’s the 3rd of the month, which means life update day. It has been published on the 3rd of every month for well over a year – I changed it to the 3rd when Ted was born (on – you’ve guessed it – the 3rd!) and before that it was on the 17th, which was the day of the month that Angelica was born. Making sure my update is completed before midnight at the end of the designated day has become something of a compulsion – it’s the one deadline I stick to absolutely rigidly.
When this monthly feature was on The Uphill, I quite often used to forget all about it until about half eleven, at which point I’d look at my diary to see what was going on the next day and notice it was the 3rd and then race to my laptop in a blind panic. Usually I’d then be knocking out an apologetic update (not a euphemism!) whilst Mr AMR brushed his teeth in the bathroom – sometimes I’d hit the publish button mere seconds before the clock changed to 00:00. I was like the Cinderella of the internet. But now that all of my bits and pieces are in one place (you can still read The Uphill posts by clicking the FAMILY tab in the menu bar) I feel slightly more in control of things and a lot more organised. I’m writing this at 8pm rather than 23.45 and there’s not an ounce of panic to be seen – I’m cool, collected and ready to rumble.
Oh – apart from the fact that tomorrow I am going to my first exercise class in about...
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