Highlights of 2019

What a year.
According to Instagram stats, these were my top 9 photos from 2019.
I simply cannot believe that Justin’s mustache, that he wore for about 3 weeks, made it to the list! May it live on forever in photos, but not on his face
2019 was full of really wonderful time together as a family, and for Justin and I as a couple. Near the beginning of the year, we took a trip to Utah to go skiing for a few days. It was possibly my favorite trip that we’ve taken together.
We’re both quite active so being able to sneak away from daily life and go do something we both love together was really special.
Of course, the biggest event that happened this year was the move! It is such a delight to be in the new (to us!) house, I’m still pinching myself that it’s real. David just turned 6, Luke will be turning 5 shortly after the new year, and Emily will be 2 in May. It feels like they are growing up so fast! Part of me would love to slow time down a bit, but another part is really enjoying getting to know these kids for who they are! I love seeing their personalities shine through as they get older. David is focused, easy-going, and jovial. Luke is expressive, sweet, and fun. Emily is warm, energetic, and brave. They are all so different, which is quite interesting to see as a parent, and my absolute favorite time with them is when we are all playing together in the playroom.
On the work front, it was a great year. I feel a bit of renewal happening in t...
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