End of Year Reflection with Justin

I’ve shared a bit on Instagram about the end-of-year discussion that Justin and I have but I’ve never typed up anything formal about it because we adjust it on an annual basis based on whatever that previous year held. In general, there is a loose outline that we follow that we’ve developed over time (you can find that below).
The point of this conversation is to set aside time for some big picture planning, end of year reflection, and goal setting for ourselves personally and within our marriage. I genuinely look forward to it every year. In the past, we’ve looped it into a trip, like when we went to Lake Tahoe, but sometimes it’s just something we do on a Saturday morning over breakfast if we have childcare available. I’m sure this goes without saying, but this isn’t the only time that we discuss the topics listed below. We are always in discussion about these things, the point of this “end of year” discussion is to re-align after the business of the holidays, and set up for success in the new year.
I’ll share a few of the general topics that we cover below, and examples of questions we ask, but I’d encourage you to tailor this to whatever your life, marriage, or family may look like.
Categories: As Individuals, As a Couple, As Parents
Topics: Work, Social Life, Spiritual Life/Church, Serving, Finances, Events/Travel, Parenting, Alone time
For each category, we discuss the topics I’ve listed above. W...
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