A Few Tips for Working from Home

With everything happening with the Coronavirus and Covid-19, many companies are encouraging their employees to work from home as an effort to mitigate the spread of the virus.
While working from home isn’t an option for everyone in every career field, it does affect a great deal of us so I wanted to share a few tips I have from working from home for the past 10 years.
Let’s jump right into it.
One. Get ready for your workday in the same way you would if you were leaving the house. Working from your pajamas may sound fun, but I assure you it will impact your mood and productivity level. Getting ready, packing up a bag for your daily essentials (maybe not lunch, but perhaps your water bottle and a snack) will limit the time you need to leave your workspace to get something. Two. Maintain normal work hours as best you can. This is going to be a challenge for people who have children at home during this time as well, but if you are able to find childcare for your children, try to stick to a solid start and end time. It gives your day a little structure and also gives the other people in your family an idea of what they can expect from your availability.
Three. Do not mix housework with your work tasks. As tempting as it is to throw a load of laundry in the washing machine in the middle of the day, try to separate your housework tasks from your work tasks. The stronger you keep that line, the easier it will be to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Four. If you are used to ...
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