3 Ways to Make Packing Easier for a House Move

Did you see the news that we are moving to a different house"!
Packing up our house for the past few weeks has been completely manageable. I am writing this about one week out from the move, so I may be singing a different song the night before we actually move, but in general, I think it’s been a simple process.
There are a few reasons that I believe it’s been manageable, and I’ll share those below.
One. Justin and I sat down and organized the packing plan room by room. I typed up a list of every single room in the house and assigned each one to either Justin or myself. We agreed on it and that was that. I decided to take on more rooms (mostly smaller simple rooms like a bathroom) and Justin is tackling the attics, garage, shed, and his home office. In our marriage, I’ve tried to stick to what I say, so we both have clear expectations of the other. So while I’ll occasionally find myself wanting to tell him when he should start packing, or how I think he should do it, I try to bite my tongue and trust that he’ll get it done because he said he would. His timeline is not the same as my timeline, and he knows the moving date just as well as I do! Two. Pack the least used items first, and work your way backward. Over the weekend I’m going to set out about a week’s worth of clothes for the kids, Justin and myself so we can essentially live out of a suitcase during the actual moving days. I also left out a lot of the toys in t...
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